Italian Law 112/2016 contains provisions “for caring for persons affected by severe disabilities without family support”. This law considers trusts as the best arrangement for protecting difficult situations, in which severely disabled people and their families are required to make plans for the future.
By establishing a trust, for example, the relatives of a disabled person may plan ahead and settle financial matters for a time when they are no more, to ensure the best possible future care for their disabled loved one and peace of mind for themselves. In this case the trust will consist of the necessary means for providing for the disabled person, when there are no longer any relatives who can care for him or her.
This type of trust can also be used for the pursuit of a common trust project, such as the construction of special needs or public shelters or for co-housing projects, also involving charitable organisations that assist disabled persons, with the possibility of qualifying the trust as a so-called “third-sector entity” (under Italian law), if the activities pursued are consistent with the applicable regulations.